Folk remedies for worms in an adult: we are treated at home

Worm infection is not SARS or migraine, not everyone rushes to the hospital with it. Having found an unpleasant surprise in the bathroom in the morning, many do not even tell their relatives about it. The main assistant in solving the problem is the Internet and invisible online consultants. When an intimate question has taken you by surprise, it is better to turn to the pantry of natural healers: herbs, vegetables, fruits, which have been used for centuries to treat helminthic invasions.

Folk remedies to remove worms

Folk remedies for worms in adults, even today, are not inferior in popularity to synthetic drugs. It is important to know how to use them wisely so that the parasites are calcareous and do not harm themselves.

Tasks and goals of traditional medicine

The attitude towards alternative medicine is ambiguous or downright negative for many. On the one hand, this is due to people's desire to follow new trends, taking the methods of the last century out of their eyes. On the other hand, there is a growing number of scammers who advertise treating fractures with psyllium and cancer with mouse droppings.

In fact, herbal preparations have incredible power when in the hands of an experienced person. Being 100% natural, they don't carry as much of a load on the liver as chemical agents. But its thoughtless use often involves the manifestation of side effects. In addition, any plant has a number of contraindications that are difficult to ignore. There are people with allergies even to black tea, let alone poisonous herbs.

This also applies to medicinal plants that kill helminths. Most of them are mildly toxic, some irritate the digestive tract, some are toxic. Therefore, almost all herbal remedies against worms cannot be taken:

  • people with diseases of the digestive system in the acute phase or with an exacerbated "chronic";
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • small children up to two years, and some herbs even for teenagers up to 12-18 years.

Before expelling worms from a person at home, pay attention to how the plant affects blood pressure, liver and kidney function.

Popular worm recipes for an adult

When resorting to the treatment of helminthiases with folk methods, you need to understand that the dosages indicated in the recipes are very conditional. A major disadvantage of herbal medicines is that they do not have standardization standards. Before getting rid of worms with folk remedies, remember that the patient's weight and the intensity of the invasion are not taken into account in the recipes.

Removal of parasites with vegetables (fiber)

This is, yes, not the method itself, but the basis of adequate nutrition for intestinal helminthiases. The diet during the elimination of intestinal parasites should include the intake of a loading dose of raw vegetables, greens, cereals. It is good to include citrus fruits in the diet - worms do not like them. The basis of nutrition at this time should be taken from pumpkin, carrots, beets, fresh dill. Add pineapple (not canned) for dessert. But flour, yeast, alcohol for the treatment period will have to be abandoned. Throughout therapy, it is important to observe the intake regimen.

Carrot juice and fresh carrots

All carrots, from the root to the top of the leaf, are believed to contain components that are dangerous for worms. Chewing vegetables to kill parasites is optional, but drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice will be very helpful. Repeat two more doses before bed. You can add honey, milk to improve the taste.

There is also such an interesting recipe:

  1. Take equal amounts of carrot juice, beetroot, brandy, liquid honey.
  2. To move well.
  3. Drink an incomplete glass before meals for a week.

If you follow the Indian system of Ayurveda, to cleanse the body of intestinal worms, carrots can be eaten in their pure form. But it's important to nibble on a fresh vegetable more than once a day and, for two or three days, switch to a mono-diet consisting exclusively of one carrot. It can be grated with an apple or beetroot, made in Korean, mixed with honey, the main thing is not to heat-process the vegetable.

Remember that carrots are a very powerful allergen. Also, this product in such shock doses is unacceptable for people to use:

  • with diabetes;
  • with diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • inflammation of the small intestine.

pumpkin seeds

This herbal product is considered one of the leaders in terms of effectiveness in fighting intestinal worms. It is better not to buy ready-made seeds, but to prepare them yourself.

  1. In season, buy a large pumpkin, clean the seeds.
  2. Dry and lightly fry in a pan or in the oven.
  3. Remove the hard shell, leaving a thin green film.

It is permissible to store the seeds in this way, you can grind them in a mortar or coffee powder grinder. For the treatment, you will need a small handful of whole seeds or a tablespoon of powder. Take the medicine after a meal, and after another hour, drink a spoonful of castor oil. It won't take more than a week to remove the parasites this way.

linseed infusion

Flaxseeds have anthelmintic properties. Often, ready-made drugstore oil is used to fight parasites, but its effectiveness is quite dubious. Get rid of worms with flaxseeds, perhaps by applying the recipe:

  1. Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder or mortar, take 2 heaping tablespoons of the prepared powder.
  2. Pour a liter of barely boiling water, cook for a quarter of an hour under the lid.
  3. Cool, strain the cake, add a spoon of aloe.
  4. Take 2 tablespoons before meals three times a day.

The broth is prepared only from fresh seeds (those that have been stored for less than a year), aged in the fridge for no more than 4 days. If aloe juice is not at hand, the drink is prepared without it.

Refrain from taking this and any other flaxseed remedy if you have:

  • inflammatory processes in the gallbladder;
  • gallbladder stones;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases (when using flax, you need to drink a lot of fluids).

walnut tincture

Worms don't like anything bitter, including green nutty "crusts. "The fruits themselves do not have such pronounced anthelmintic properties. To destroy all types of helminths, prepare a tincture:

  1. Take the shells of three dozen walnuts (green, not shells), pour a liter of vodka on the floor.
  2. Insist 40 days, drink a full teaspoon daily on an empty stomach.

In the same way, you can prepare a tincture from the partitions inside the walnut. You should not drink fluids for those suffering from stool disorders or increased blood clotting.

Chamomile decoction

Chamomile is an excellent sedative and antiseptic. It is most often used as an additional component in aggressive anthelmintic decoctions rather than in its pure form. But an infusion or decoction of these sunny flowers can be used as an anthelmintic for young children. Women in position and breastfeeding a few cups of this drink will also be helpful.


The most common method of dealing with worms since the Middle Ages is garlic. At that time, a proverb was pronounced in all languages, which meant one thing: if garlic and onions disappear, humanity will be eaten by parasites. The effect on worms of phytonidia, rich in spicy fruits, is equated with the effect of high temperature on viruses.

To prevent helminth infection, you can supplement the diet with a few cloves of garlic daily. To destroy the parasites that have settled in the body, use the recipe:

  1. Squeeze a glass and a half of garlic juice, mix it with half a liter of honey.
  2. Boil in a water bath for half an hour, periodically removing the foam.
  3. Take a full dessert spoon before meals.

Store the product in the refrigerator.

You can make a decoction with milk:

  1. Mince half a head of garlic or pass through a garlic press.
  2. Pour the resulting mass with a glass of milk and cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Cool, strain from the cake, take four servings from a spoon during the day.

onion tincture

Onions are used against worms along with garlic. It can be consumed roasted, raw, but it is better to prepare a tincture:

  1. Chopped onions fill half the volume of a 1. 5 liter bottle.
  2. Fill with vodka.
  3. Insist 10 days, take a spoonful twice a day.

Be careful, this remedy is hard on the liver.


A powerful remedy against helminths of all kinds. The anthelmintic properties of grass are due to the thujone content in it. Tinctures and decoctions can nullify a strong invasion and, in combination with other components, have a stronger effect. The easiest way is to use absinthe in a dry form, without heat processing. The dried absinthe collection must be ground in a coffee grinder, taken in three doses of one tablespoon per day. Before use, dilute the product with water.

Any drugs with absinthe are prohibited for pregnant women, young children, people with peptic ulcer.

Hemp and linseed oil

These and other oils (olive, sunflower) are best used not as the main, but as a concomitant treatment. Drinking it in its pure form is a risky undertaking, fraught with intestinal disorders. It is best to use oils in the form of salad dressings in the daily diet or as a laxative after taking basic medications.


A faithful companion to absinthe in terms of properties and composition. Tansy also contains thujone, worms are afraid of that. It is permissible to use dry tansy in the same way as absinthe, you can prepare a decoction. To do this, pour two tablespoons of the pharmacy collection with boiling water, boil for several minutes. Take half a cup before meals.

"Troychatka" (absinthe, tansy and clove buds)

On the best side, this remedy has proven itself against parasites that live in the intestines. The recipe was developed by a well-known expert in traditional medicine. To cook you will need:

  • 10 parts of tansy;
  • 5 parts of dry cloves;
  • 3 parts of absinthe.

Mix all ingredients, grind into powder. Use dry or diluted with water according to the scheme:

  • Day 1 - one teaspoon in the morning;
  • Day 2 - in the same amount twice a day;
  • Day 3 - Turn on one more dose and take this dosage for another week.

Before taking, it is worth considering the contraindications for each of the components of the triad.

Absinthe Recipe, Clove Buds, Flax Seeds

An aggressive treatment based on powerful herbal ingredients. In this cocktail, wormwood is the main anthelmintic component, flax has a laxative effect, and cloves act as an antiseptic.

  1. Take the components in equal proportions, grind.
  2. Eat a teaspoon of dry mix before meals. Two weeks will be enough to remove the worms.

Dry absinthe, pumpkin seeds and vodka recipe

A tool for those who have already tried known methods. An alcohol base and two components with strong anthelmintic properties fight worms quite effectively.

  1. Grind dried pumpkin seeds into powder, add the same amount of dry wormwood to them.
  2. Pour three times more vodka into the resulting dry mixture.
  3. Infuse the liquid for a week in a clear, warm place.
  4. Drink the finished tincture in a glass on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening for two weeks.

Worm thyme (thyme)

This herb is not used for worms as often as tansy or wormwood, but its anthelmintic qualities, along with powerful antiseptic and analgesic properties, make it an excellent remedy for mild infestations.

  1. Pour a tablespoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes.
  2. Cool, strain, drink a tablespoon after (not before, like most remedies) a meal for a few weeks.

The effect will become noticeable after 7 days, the second week of hospitalization is indicated for prevention.

birch buds

This ingredient can also be used to treat concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and to remove helminths from the body. You can make decoctions, water infusions, tinctures - the efficiency is approximately the same. Decoction and infusion are taken in a glass three times, alcohol tincture - in a full tablespoon.

  1. For alcohol tincture, take components 1: 5 (kidney / vodka).
  2. For decoction - 2 full spoons of kidneys and a glass of water.
  3. For infusion - 2 tablespoons and two glasses of water.

A contraindication to take is cholelithiasis and kidney failure. Also, pregnant women should not receive funds on birch buds.


Another folk remedy for worms for humans. Not specific, but also effective. This plant with huge leaves (up to one and a half meters) is considered decorative. Buying butterbur at a drugstore can be problematic, but if it grows in the garden, try using it as an anthelmintic.

  1. Dry, grind the leaves of the plant.
  2. Soak a tablespoon of the resulting product with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Roll up the dish, let the liquid cool.
  4. Take a dessert spoon 4 times a day.

Unlike the other herbs described above, this plant is poisonous. It is necessary to take funds based on it with extreme caution!


This oriental spice is also called horned root. It contains the substance gingerol, due to which ginger is bitter. It is to him that the spicy remedy owes its anthelmintic qualities. But experts pay attention to the fact that it is more convenient to use ginger as a preventive measure, as its effect is more powerful on the larvae of the parasite.

To prevent infection, you can eat pickled ginger or a decoction of fresh root shavings. By the way, if you add lemon and honey, it will also be a safe way to prevent viral diseases.

An alcohol tincture made with 0. 5 kg of grated root and half a liter of vodka is also good. Infuse the remedy for two weeks, take a spoonful before meals.

Do not use ginger for:

  • High temperature;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


A condiment that not everyone likes. But if you treat it calmly, prepare an anthelmintic:

  1. Take half a tablespoon of cumin and dill seeds.
  2. Chop, mix.
  3. Take the dry mixture with water. The course lasts no more than a week.

You cannot use this seasoning for people:

  • with heart disease;
  • with thrombophlebitis;
  • with ulcers, colitis;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus.

Datura grass

Some experts believe that this plant is able to remove parasites from atypical places: lungs, eyes. To do this, they recommend breathing in grass smoke. Little is known about the effectiveness of this method. Only one thing is certain - you cannot drink Datura decoctions and tinctures.


It is also called female ginseng. The plant is generally indicated for the treatment of the digestive tract, as a choleretic agent, for menstrual irregularities. To alleviate conditions caused by worms, you can take a tincture of alcohol, also called angelic vodka:

  1. Pour 100 grams of dried and crushed plant root with a liter of vodka.
  2. Insist in the dark for 3-4 weeks.
  3. Take a spoonful three times throughout the day. Therapy lasts for a month.

Angelica is prohibited for diabetics, pregnant women, women with uterine bleeding.


The plant is used as a regenerating agent after the destruction of parasites. Its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties will help to treat wounds resulting from the activity of hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms. A decoction or tea with calendula can be drunk while the intestinal microflora is being restored, to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Calendula should not be used by people with such diseases:

  • low blood pressure;
  • reduced cardiac contractility;
  • asthma.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding period, age under 12 years are also contraindications to taking calendula. Refuse to take the medication if using sedatives.

Worm enema recipes

Through enemas, it may be possible to destroy helminths that live in the lower parts of the human intestine. For those illegal immigrants who have settled higher, the contents of the enema are usually not enough. As for the parasites that live in the liver or, God forbid, in the lungs, muscles, brain, and other organs, they are completely indifferent to the type of liquid that circulates in the intestine and from which side it got into it.

Therefore, enemas with a high probability of success relieve pinworms and sometimes roundworms.

Whipworms and hookworms feed on blood, sticking to the intestinal walls, therefore, they are less sensitive to these water procedures. The adult tapeworm will not be too surprised by these manipulations; so if you want to expel it with an enema, be patient.

Do enemas daily, preferably at bedtime, unless otherwise stated in the recipe. Try to keep the final solution in the intestines for as long as possible, preferably within half an hour. If you feel a burning sensation, stop the procedure.

enema with garlic

In the evening, peel a clove of garlic, finely chop, pour 250 ml of warm water. The medicine is infused throughout the night. In the morning, be sure to strain the cake, heat it to a comfortable temperature, and use it as an enema.

soda enema

Soda enema is very popular, but its effectiveness is very dubious. In addition, frequent "cleansing" of the large intestine with soda quickly disrupts its microflora. What many take for parts of helminths at the exit, in the vast majority of situations, are burned areas exfoliated from the mucosa.

If you still want to do this enema, dilute a few tablespoons of soda in 800 ml of heated water, use it in the usual way.

With garlic and onion

  1. To prepare such an enema, garlic and onion are taken in equal proportions - one tablespoon in crushed form.
  2. Pour a glass of boiled water, let it brew for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Then add two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  4. Strain, pour the liquid into a liter of water at a comfortable temperature.

The course is one week. Before use, do a cleansing enema.

Enema "milk with garlic"

Another garlic enema. Boil the head in a glass of milk until it softens. After cooling, strain, insert the entire volume with an enema into the rectum. It is recommended to carry out such manipulations within a week.

with absinthe

It is recommended to combine absinthe-infused enemas with drinking a decoction in the form of a drink. To prepare an enema, take two large spoons of dried flowers, pour four cups of boiling water. Wait until the infusion has cooled to an acceptable temperature, then strain, use as directed.

with tansy

Well removes phyto-cocktail ascaris from the intestines:

  1. Mix a spoonful of absinthe, tansy, chamomile.
  2. Pour the dry mixture with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil, let cool, add the minced garlic clove.
  4. Infuse for three to four hours, then strain and use as directed.

Worm oxygen enema

This method is not very popular, but recognized by traditional medicine, however, it is not widely used. Some types of worms cannot tolerate a high concentration of oxygen; therefore, to destroy them with a special device in a hospital hospital, oxygen is injected into the rectum. Oxygen is provided in portions and doses, so it is not possible to perform such procedures at home.

eucalyptus enema

A very exotic method with little studied efficiency. It involves the sequential introduction of enemas from a decoction of eucalyptus and lemon juice.

  1. Cool a liter of fresh eucalyptus decoction (60 grams of dry raw materials), add 30 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  2. After the act of defecating and removal of the previous enema composition, another microclyster is administered with half a glass of squeezed lemon juice.

The duration of therapy varies from one week to 10 days.

What can pregnant and lactating mothers do?

Worm infestation during pregnancy is the situation where it is almost impossible to do something. In 95 cases out of 100, the expectant mother will have to put up with an unpleasant neighborhood until the child is born. This approach is due to the fact that most herbs that are dangerous for worms should not be taken during pregnancy. Thus, the most powerful anthelmintic plants - wormwood and tansy, are abortifacient, and many others are toxic to the developing fetus in large quantities. Doctors also do not recommend giving enemas while the woman is in an interesting position.

But some folk remedies for fighting helminths still remain available during pregnancy. But it is better not to self-medicate, but to talk about the regimen with the doctor. Most likely, it is he who will tell you the correct dosage of the necessary herbs, as traditional medicine confirms the effectiveness of many of them in the fight against worms. So, pregnant women can take according to the above schemes:

  1. pumpkin seeds;
  2. garlic, onion in its pure form;
  3. chamomile decoction;
  4. carrots, fresh beets;
  5. vegetables, fruits in unlimited quantities, as long as there is no allergy.

Most often, the expectant mother panics in vain. Suspecting the presence of parasites in the body, she does not make a diagnosis herself. Get a referral from the gynecologist for tests to confirm or disprove suspicions, discuss the results, and if the doctor recommends postpartum treatment, follow their advice.

Treatment with folk remedies is a rather risky occupation. Use only proven methods, do not experiment on your own health. Remember that the most correct way to get rid of worms is a laboratory method to determine the type, switch to a competent diet and take herbal or synthetic preparations in consultation with a doctor. The course of treatment ends with the ingestion of sorbents and auxiliary agents that support the functioning of the liver, the restoration of the intestinal microflora.